Shade, Shade, and More Shade

We had bamboo curtains made for the corner of the patio to shield us some from wind and provide shade.
We had a pergola built for the casita (little deck) roof and now this deck is more usable and has become our 'sea' themed deck.
Shelly created this corner creative piece.
We also had a palapa built on the big deck. They had to drill rebar into our garage roof concrete beams to support the posts for the framing. We could chose between concrete or wood posts and we went with the wood - natural and beautiful.
They watered down the palm fronds so they were more pliable to weave into the structure.
The poor workers had to haul all these very heavy materials up our 31 steps.
But now we have happy hour shade.
Let's have a drink right now! It is happy hour somewhere!


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