Dogs, Baseball, & Our Stuff

We take Hunter to the beach at least once per week. He loves to run along the shore and to swim after his retriever toy. Last week he spied some dolphin swimming about 100 yards from shore. He decided that they were friends and he needed to swim out to them to play with them. Shelly is a swimmer and she wasn't sure she could swim this distance to save Hunter if she needed to it was so far out. Hunter swam out to them 3 times and the dolphin just swam and jumped around him. Luckily they didn't perceive him as a threat and attack him.

We saw the Guaymas Ostioneros baseball team play.
The stadium is very small and they sell beers from 5 gallon buckets (yes, like the ones they pour our home cement with). Shelly sees a white lab-type puppy and has to pick it up. He is very lovable and everyone in the group holds and pets him. One couple ends up taking him home. Well he had over 200 ticks on him, poor little guy, but he has a great new home and is feeling great.

Tick season is here and they are gross. Some are your typical type while others are shaped and the size of soft pinto beans. We pulled 7 off Hunter one morning and a few every day since. They come out of the soil and luckily are not attracted to humans. Hopefully they will leave as quickly as they arrived.

This week we moved all our personal belongings out of the States and into Mexico. We heard horror stories about doing this and how you have to unpack your loaded trailer at the checkpoint, fill out tons of paperwork, and prove that they are 'used' items. We didn't have to do any of this and it was a breeze crossing the border. Now we wait for our construction to be finished for our final move sometime in August.


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