Our Lives

In the trailer everything has its place and it is best to put it back where it belongs once you have used it. It takes less than 30 minutes to clean the inside of the trailer....nice.

We are prepared for rain at any time.

We are stocking up on sunscreen and bug spray.

We are not letting the heat stop us from doing things (but man is it brutal at times).

We are finding out the best food and drink deals in town and meeting people while we are at it. We have surveyed 8 bars so far for the best margaritas; results forthcoming soon.

Mexican cell phone calls are expensive; .40 cents per minute and the one who initiates the call pays for the call.

We have spoken to friend and family via the computer and this works fantastic and is free, will be trying the webcam soon.

We have all the time in the world to do something, anything, or nothing.
Shelly has learned to cook with what is available in the stores; it is mostly Mexican themed but she has come up with some interesting variations. Checking out the Costco, Home Depot, Walmart, and Sams Club in Hermosillo within the week. This mango came right off a tree in the yard.We expect the unexpected; this poor bat was just found one morning dead on the table.We launched the boat this week after many hours spent on it by PJ and it was a huge success. We hope to go out fishing within the week.


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