
Showing posts from August 30, 2009


After all predictions indicated that Hurricane Jimena had become a tropical storm and was headed West, she hit us with hurricane force TWICE. She came over us in the middle of the night on Wednesday night and then circled over and came over us again on Thursday. We've had over 40" of rain and wind gusts were 60 mph. We lost power, water, and cell phone service. We started this adventure Wednesday night at a restaurant situated on cliffs above the ocean to watch the waves and this is when the rain started. By 9 pm the power was off and the heavy rain and winds really got going. We checked out our new construction and were fairing much better than we anticipated. Some seepage through the walls and some ponding water but not enough to worry about flooding. At 4 am Thursday morning the eye of the storm was right over us and headed East. PJ had not slept all night. The temperature had dropped to 75 degrees. We attempted to drive the truck several times to check out our town but th

Finishing Touches Part 3

We moved most of our personal belongings into our new garage and are awaiting to move the remainder until after the remnants of Hurricane Jimena hit us. The piedra lavada on the porch is finished. Sconces are installed on the bodega deck. Electrical outlets (including the trailer electrical) and lights are installed. This is how the construction crew deals with paper/cardboard trash - they burn it. Here is PJ at the bodega entrance (Shelly is up on the deck taking this photo).